Tuesday, November 28, 2017

THE BOSS'S DAUGHTER by Jennifer Bates

THE BOSS’S DAUGHTER by Jennifer Bates
The Black Rose Series #1
Release Date: November 28, 2017
Limitless Publishing

I am marked by the Black Rose, the symbol of my father’s cruelty and arrogance. It’s a stain that will never wash out, the same mark all those girls carry—the ones who keep turning up dead.

My father, underboss for a powerful crime family, killed my fiancé, then told me he’d see me dead too. The only reason he didn’t kill me right then and there was because he wanted me to suffer first.

But he will never break me.

I ran away. I survived. Those other girls…they weren’t so lucky.

To stop the murders, I’ll have to go back and give my father what he wants. Me. My blood.

And then there’s Hunter…the only man I want, and the only one I can never have. If he finds out who I am, everything I’ve fought for will fall apart.

There will never be a knight in shining armor to rescue the girls of the Black Rose. I’ll have to do that myself.

The blood of the Family runs in my veins, and I will not go down without a fight.

ADD TO GOODREADS: http://bit.ly/2AXkdyj

Jennifer Bates was born in Spokane, Washington and grew up in Burien, Washington.

Jennifer started writing at a young age, always filling spiral notebooks with ideas and stories. When she was in 4th grade, she wrote a short story for a young writers conference and placed second. She always had a story of some kind in her head, and it wasn’t until 2015 that her son finally talked her into putting her favorite story to paper and a new adventure was born.

Jennifer enjoys fiction novels of many genres, but her favorite book series (she reads it every year) is the Wilderness series by Sara Donati. Fascinated by anything organized crime related, she finds inspiration for her writing.

When she's not writing, she is a legal secretary in Louisiana where she resides with her husband, kids, and grandchildren.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2zOKK2r
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjenniferbates/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BranomJ

Saturday, November 4, 2017

ON HER GUARD by Skyla Madi: Cover Reveal + Pre-Order

ON HER GUARD by Skyla Madi 
Releasing December 5th...

I don’t know how my life got so twisted. 

One day, I’m working as a cash guard, shooting the tires off a stolen vehicle, and the next I’m a guard for the only daughter of high-profile mob boss, Marco Ventilli.

The twist?

I’ve already met the five-foot-four, one-hundred-and-ten-pound bombshell that is Sera Ventilli. 

In fact, I’ve had her every way a man can have a woman, and if her father ever finds out, he’ll skin me alive and bury me six feet under the hot sands of Las Vegas. 

I knew Sera looked like the worst kind of trouble—my gut told me she was—but she swore otherwise, and I lapped up every single lie she fed me, like a Goddamn idiot.

All I had to do was keep the promise I made to my mother on her deathbed. Leave the Army, find a normal job and a good woman, and get on with my life.

Yeah. So much for that.

Cover Designer: Deranged Doctor Designs
Pre-Order available now: http://amzn.to/2zdBv9I